Saturday, December 22, 2012

Metro Sketches December 2012

Riding the metro with my sketchbok allows for sharpening my hand-eye coordination thru very rapid sketches and being forced to capture what is immediately compeling about the person. At each metro stop new models board the train. I have roughly 1-2 minutes to react and draw each person,  The results are of course very spontaneous and sometimes wonderfully expressive. 

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Connected with Grandpa

The colored pencil drawing on the left was rendered by my Grandfather Aaron over 50 years ago. I was the subject of the drawing, and it is the only drawing produced by him that I own.

I thought a companion piece was called for and so I did the pencil drawing on the right of my grandson, Noah at age of 2.

How wonderful it is to be connected with both my grandfather and grandson in this special way

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Lindeh - May 2012

Open Studio Spring 2012 - Ink Wash Drawings

I have always enjoyed  the spontaneity of sketchbook art as well as the looseness of watercolors. I recently completed a workshop on ink washes and gesture drawing with artist/teacher Jackie Saunders at the Alexandria Art League. Using techniques from the workshop, I have been experimenting with ink wash drawings that combine brushwork and line drawing. The following drawings are done very rapidly with a  goal of finding lines and shapes that will convey qualities about the charachter of the model rather than striving for a likeness.  These are exercises in training the eye and hand to find the the most important  shapes and lines that best define the subject.